The Tutorial Project - TicTacToe

Tharunraj Optimus
Tharunraj Optimus

I believe that the best way to learn something is by doing it ⚒. And no other place helps you with that the most other than the official docs 📓.

I'm gonna start learning React by building 👷‍♂️ a TicTacToe game. 🎮

It's a simple game, which gets both 'X' and 'O' from the user and saves it so that it can somehow backtrack and go to any previous state. That's cool. If I have to do it with Vanilla JS, it would use a lot of storage 📦. React does that for me.

Added some styles and hosted it on Netlify 💠. It's pretty cool. Check it out.

Source code on Github.

Thanks for reading! 🤝